Thursday, May 10, 2007

May 12 Ride

Ready to ride? Hopefully, this Saturday will be better than last week. There's a chance of some liquid sunshine again. Keep your fingers crossed for blue skies. Just a note about last week... during the torrential rain storm, 4 brave SVR souls saddled-up and turned the cranks... Vance, Russ, Whaley and Fred conquered the elements and logged some character building miles... The question on the street is.. Why did Whaley Ride?? one day, we'll get an answer... As usual, we plan to depart New Spring's parking lot at 0800. The route will be at least one loop of the standard roads (~43miles), then more or less miles depending on who needs what. We'll observe the neutral zone until Timms Mill Rd. We'll settle into at least 2 groups of varying speeds.

Come out and grab some wheel. Drafting is an all time favorite way to ride and I'll need a few riders to share pulls.

Perhaps during the ride, Fred can explain just "what went wrong" on the Tuesday night ride... it was a comedy of mishaps... I'm sure that was a once-in-a-lifetime series of events.... never to be repeated again... but, it'll make a great story for Fred to tell when he's retired and on the front porch swapping stories of yester-year.

Best of luck to those doing the Clemson Tri... we'd like a race report when you're done..

Mike "I'll ride if it's not raining" Madden


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