Monday, August 06, 2007

A Public Service Announcement & Ride Info


Here are 3 notes worthy of a quick read...

1. Just a friendly reminder about tomorrows weather. Our resident weatherhound reminded us of "just how hot" it's going to be for the Tuesday Night Ride (TNR) that starts at 6PM in Pendleton. That reminded us of something Ryan sent out a few months ago.... (with a few edits from "the announcer")

Don't Forget to Drink! Stay ahead of the dehydration monster!!!
Its gonna be a hot one out there. So, those of you seasoned endurance sports veterans, having endured many a July of sweltering South Carolina heat, know full well the importance of staying hydrated. Exercising in warm weather, an average person will lose over 1 liter of water every hour. We are more prone to heat and hydration related maladies. That said..... (we've all heard it before, and we'll all hear it again) .... top off those water bottles with lots of electrolyte filled fluids and keepsipping! Bring plenty on the bike, and be sure to drink afterwards. Before the ride, make sure your hydration tank is topped off....Watch out for that all-time favorite, drug of choice of endurance athletes everywhere (caffeine) while in the heat. It’s a natural diuretic and you'llbe more prone to dehydration and cramping if you overdo it....

2. **** Here's a future ride that is taking shape, being organized by Scott CR1 Shuey *******

To all interested cyclists/triathletes,
WHAT: A ride to include Paris Mountain and Caesar's Head
WHEN: Saturday Sept. 1, 2007
WHERE: Depart from Furman University no earlier than 8:00am, (and hopefully no later than 8:15)
HOW FAR: Probably 75 miles, +/- 5 miles
WHO: Those preparing for fall centuries, and anyone wanting to experience a challenging group ride

This will be a "no one gets dropped" ride, but everyone will be on their own pace for the two featured climbs. Those of us who are climbers are welcome to wait or reverse course while the rest of us finish the climb. Novice riders are welcome, but you should be able to comfortably ride the SVR.

We'll plan to meet at NewSpring church at 7:00am to leave for Furman by car, truck, and SUV. The bike ride will take at least 4.5 hours, so it might be 1:30pm before we arrive back to Anderson.The bike route will take us from Furman immediately to Paris Mountain for a great "warm-up", and then we'll make our way over to Caesar's Head.

At the summit of CH we'll re-group, then reverse course back to Furman. (If you really want more climbing, you could certainly go over the top of Paris Mtn one more time!)There are at least 7-8 who have expressed strong interest in this ride.

Please RSVP if you intend to ride, and then I'll post more info about who, the route in detail, etc....

3. ****** And here's a note about "my plans" for SVR on August 18 *******************

My Declaration

Riders, let it be known throughout the SVR land that on Saturday, August 18, I plan to do the easiest spin of the year. Due to an obligation I have on Sunday, I will ONLY ride ~20 miles at a very, very slow pace. I have NO plans to get out of the small chain ring or out of the saddle... or to break a sweat... HONESTY...I will ride to Mac Smith’s (via the usual route) at a snails pace... and when I get to Mac's I'm going to stop, get off my bike, buy a Gatorade, eat some carbs and
S L O W L Y ride back to the start... total miles ~21... if you ever wanted to see the route to Mac's Smith's and back, I could use some company.... so, put this one on your calendar...

Stay safe and hydrated.

Mike "the announcer" Madden


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