Thursday, August 13, 2009

Saturday Ride

Who's BAD ride is that??? from what I understand, a retired SVR is spinning himself back into shape... the scenery doesn't change... but the calorie burn for cheese and MD-RED is awesome!!!

We’re looking for a few good riders… some riders who want some miles… about 45 to 50 miles of county roads…. I know I’ll be ready to ride and want some…

So, join us for the SVR this Saturday at the parking lot of New Spring… wheels roll at 8’ish (notice… I didn’t even say 0800… I’ve caved in to ride creep… which is when the start time keeps drifting past the appointed hour… sad…but true... we're only human.)

I have a small work related obligation that will prevent me from getting early miles…. But, some of you may be inclined to gather up a few miles on your way to a mega ride!!!!

The mission is to keep the cranks turning… that means very abbreviated breaks at the gathering points… and I’ll do that by pacing myself…. and pacing is not RED-LINING it during the sprint zones at Macs!!! So, check your equipment and gear… bring fluids, some packaged energy and an attitude to ride safely....

If you're missing from all this fun... we'll think you're doing one of the following... racing in Elberton.... we know Vick is!!!! or preparing for the BIG G'ville TRI on Sunday... and we know many Andersonians are doing that... or maybe you're on that last week of the Swiss vaca.... or maybe you're enjoying the last Saturday before school starts with the family...

Here's a shout out to CR1 Shuey... out in Houston, Texas.. showing that cancer just WHO's THE BOSS!!!!!!

The Announcer


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