Thursday, April 24, 2008

4-26-08 Ride Data

Let's keep this on the down-low... I figure if we do that, maybe we'll avoid Mother Nature... I haven't quite figured out the every Saturday weather "event"... but, something is UP!!!! Once again, there are sources out there that leads me to believe WE CAN DO IT... that is, finish before the old hag makes her arrival and unleash what makes misery for us Road Riders... the misery is dirt, grime and just nasty gunk all over the two wheel gas saving weekend machines of fun...

Here's a young guy celebrating a win!!! Congrats to Sir Storie on a fine showing at the Greenwood Tri!!!!

Be ye warned, there's a pic below that could cause some problems to the squeamish readers... so, moms and dads guard this post...

So, who's up to temp fate?? and who has some time to clean up afterwards??? I'm IN, unless SHE gets here before roll out time... So, meet the group at New Spring parking, ready to ride at 0800 SHARP... the route is a classic, so no change there.... We'll have a few re-grouping points along the way... the top of Timms Mill, Mac's, downtown P-ton and one or two more along the way... different groups ride between 16mph to 20mph for the entire 45 miles... give or take...

Let us know if you're a new rider to the group...and we'll keep an eye on you as you learn the route... cuz you'll have to look out for someone next weekend!

PS... if you are the tri-ing type, check out the local Anderson Area YMCA tri club website...

NOTE: our current swim option is pool swim... and after this pic, I think I'll stay in the pool. On Wednesdays, our coach puts us club members through some swim drills to either break you down, or develop your stroke... this past week, he tried to develop our kick.. but, for me.. it just didn't happen...
The lesson from this pic is.. if there's a NO SWIMMING sign posted... DUE TO ALLIGATOR... there is one man who suggests you follow instructions.... no kidding...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

has that thing been seen at WhiteLake?

12:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The picture was from Whitelake's tri last year. He was one of the last swimmers on the course. They sold his bike and gear on Ebay after the race.

12:27 PM  

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