Thursday, November 08, 2007

Details for 11-10-07

Tighten your cranks, fix your flats, it's time to GO... this is your special invite to ride. Come join a brave bunch of riders for a group ride. We roll out of New Spring's parking lot at 8:30 SHARP. You better dress warm to start and just maybe it'll warm up and you can shed your arm warmers. I missed last weekend's ride so, once again, I'll pay the cycling gurus for missing some spin time... SPIN TIME, yep, that will continue to be my mission... just spinning & grinning... (that's different from Whaley's pick'n & a grin'n)

NOTE: Due to the Clemson home game with a 12noon kick-off, we'll avoid going into downtown Pendleton. So, that means no stopping at the C-store to refuel for those who DON'T eat breakfast... so, be ye warned... the route will be about 41 miles +/-.. (note, my plus/minus means more than one standard deviation)

Here's a shout out to Dr. Econ!!!! get fixed fast and get back out on the road... and a shout out to "THE RETIRED ONE"..we'll see you on the flip-side of retirement... (that means when you get tired of sleeping in on Saturdays)

AND here's a shout to those who did the "pump & run".. I hear it was a great event and some of our locals did very well... and props to the MTB 12 hour racers... I heard 3 were there....

Since "he" has retired, we're looking for some more folks to take a pull... yep, once again, I'm in need of a wheel to follow.. won't it be yours?

See ya at 8:30am, what else is there to do?

526 Madden (aka "the sweeper")


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