Ride for 6-14-08
It's bad luck to be superstitious, so you guys be careful on the day before Saturday... it's the dreaded Friday, the 13th.. DOH!!! I never should have mentioned it!!!! Good thing we don't ride on Fridays, right???
Props to BIG George... winning a Dauphine stage... (thanks Steve for telling me... somehow, I've been distracted!!!) Back in the day, a group of ECCC members (when there was a club) met George.. he came to our meeting.. and we sat around the table chatting for about an hour... if I remember, it was after Lance's second victory... and during the tour, Phil would say.. WOW, LOOK AT BIG GEORGE CLIMB!!! so, we asked him how he made the transition to being able to climb... and he said... "I did more hill climbs in training!!!!" George is the nicest cyclist and hopefully, we'll see him take another TdF stage!!! maybe the Queen's Stage???
So, here's the real business... THE ride announcement
Riders take your mark… get set.. GO!!!! Okay, that’s not exactly how the SVR (Saturday Velo Ride) starts… but, it is an attention getter, eh? So, if you’re finished riding the mountains of Vermont, done with paddling down the Grand Canyon, riding the dude range rustling cattle, Oly distance tri events, or family obligations (aka swim meets and enjoying grand kids)… join us for the ride of the week… (NOTE: if you’re headed for Charleston for a Bball camp, watch the ankles… they don’t heal as quickly when you’re old!!! if you're headed for NC for some outdoor activity.. watch for the wild animals... they live in the woods!!!)
Compared to last Saturday, the weather should be cooler … and last week, the group was HUGE … so, if you rode last weekend, come back and bring another rider… For this weekend, should we or should we not include Simms Mill Rd???
As usual, the group meets EARLY in the parking lot of New Spring Church to roll out at 0800 SHARP… rumor has it, that perhaps 2 or more of the SVR regulars need MORE miles that we usually provide… they may even start EARLIER… so, you guys talk amongst yourselves and figure out where the “main” group will meet you on the road… and because we’re such creatures of habit… you already know the exact route we’ll be on Saturday morning!!!
The group rides at various speeds... some fast guys go off the front... some regular guys take the middle... and those who burn matches early...(aka going to Mac's the first time)... usually ride at the back... I think I know where I'll be.... how about you?
So, see you in the parking lot, on the road, in the paceline or at the stops… take your pick
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