Thursday, May 01, 2008

They Went That Way!!!

Here's a nice pic of our volunteer at the Anderson Tri pointing the racer in the right direction... For this weekend, she'll be pointed in the direction of NC as she races White Lake.

Come join the finest group of riders ever to throw a leg over the top bar!!! That's right, the riders of the SVR (Saturday Velo Ride) will gather at the parking lot of New Spring for an 8AM ride roll-out time. The route is about 45 miles of excellent roads and scenery. The group ride averages between 16 to 20+mph. there's something for everyone.

We'll miss three of our "regulars" as they chew on the challenge of completing the White Lake 1/2 IronMan in North Carolina. By the time our peleton rolls out, they should be finished with their swim and on their bikes. Best of luck to Wheel-less Whaley, Ms. Griz, Big Dave and Ruth Marie's little brother (aka Fast Freddie).. they say, once you cross the border, thing change.... or perhaps the motto should be... "what happens at White Lake, stays at White Lake!!"

Be ye warned, I have an non-cycling obligation this Saturday. So, I'll be with you in spirit. May the force be with you. Racing, Riding or Whatever you do.
Last weeks ride was great... about 10 riders showed up and we had the road to ourselves. Renato towed the paceline to the sprint zone... that's when the surprise of the year happened... two middle aged YOUNG men geared down, swung wide left and hammered to the "stop ahead" sign... we figured if Renato took us the line... someone needed to finish the job... best 11 seconds of their life!!! At least that's their story... and they're sticking to it...

Someone, please post a ride or race report. Even if I'm not riding, I still want to read about it!!!

10 percenter

Some of the same information, more or less is posted on the blog... the blog is posted in case you have email trouble....


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