Thursday, October 07, 2010

Saturrday Ride and a celeb siting


WOW, what a ride last weekend!!! It was a great turn out for a great cause... maybe as many as 60+ riders??? I understand that Buddy raised a nice sum of dollars for the cancer ride... and there were door prizes and at the end of the ride, he greeted everyone with a Chick Fil A sandwich, cold drink and a bag of chips... hmm, how can that be repeated for this Saturday???

For this weekend, the route remains the same... but, no tents, no sag, no end of the ride lunch... and no Beastie Bob who joined us all the way from NC last Saturday... now that's SVR going National, right??? Maybe we'll have a celebrity from "yester-year" show up for the ride..... He and his side kick have been spotted on the blog... now, where in the world is skipper??? perhaps he's picked up a different sport?? now if we could find Ginger too... of course Mr. & Mrs. are needed as well as the prof????

this ride will be the usual and customary dose of miles for the legs... and maybe some will get a few more miles by adding "back to Macs" at the end...

However, if you have some climbing legs... and need more miles... 62 or 100 miles... the Ride for Raptors is on Saturday also... starting in downtown P-ton... but for me and others, we don't have "maw bridge road" in our Saturday plans... it's all I can to do to climb Timms Mill, survive Macs the first time and then climb Simms Mill..

Come ready to ride.. the group leaves at 0801 from the parking lot of New Spring...

If you're new to the group, give a shout so we can keep an eye out at the turns... never want to leave a rider behind...

NOW here's some BIG NEWS... Half-Iron Distance Triathlon REV3 is coming to Anderson October 2011... it was just announced... so, get in the water, ride the bike and start the RUN... cuz here it comes... and if you're not into "tri-ing" then volunteering the next best thing!!!! more info to follow... this is a chance for the nation to see what Anderson, SC has to offer multi-sport athletes, so, chat it up and be an Ambassador for our area!!! here's the link!/news/press-release/2010-10-6-AndersonSC.html

See ya Saturday...


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