Monday, July 31, 2006

Tuesday Night Ride 4:30pm from Newspring

Riding from Newspring @ 4:30pm to the Tuesday night ride course in Pendleton which starts @ 6pm. Will ride a very casual pace to the ride start. Each man for himself once the 6pm ride starts. We'll regroup near Mac Smith's and casually ride back to Newspring. Total miles for the ride should be around 48.

Caution: The heat index will be near 110 degrees tomorrow so make sure you're well hydrated and bring plenty of drink.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Saturday Ride Options -July 27th-

2 rides to choose from Saturday:

Option A:

The traditional ride will leave Newspring parking area @ 7:30am. Rick Stanland will lead the ride with a 36 mile and a 65 mile option. Should arrive downtown Pendleton around 8:20 for those wanting to meet there.

Option B:

Caesar's Head ride leaving Newspring at 6:30am. Will carpool to Liberty and ride from there to Caesar's Head and back for a total of 65 miles. A few will ride back to Newspring from liberty adding an additional 20 miles.

If you have any questions about this weekends options feel free to call me on my mobile @ 940-5199.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Wednesday Ride moved to Thursday @ 6:30pm

Due to powerful influences within our biking group the decision has been made to move the Wednesday ride to Thursday. The person's identity leading to the change is not known. Insiders speaking on condition of anonymity said the person goes by the name of "Mad Dog".

Meet at 6:30pm at the YMCA for a group ride of 24 to 32 miles, depending on a consensus of the group. We'll plan to head out the same route as previously, but optional routes are welcome to suggestion. Please let anyone else know about this ride who think may be interested. Riders of all abilities are welcome questions, please e-mail Scott Shuey. Thanks!

Thursday, July 20, 2006

SVR leaving Newspring 7:30am -July 22nd-

Saturday ride leaving NewSpring @ 7:30am. Casual pace and no-one gets dropped ride of approximately 37 miles. Will ride from Newspring to Tuesday Night Course via Shackleford and Walker Rd. Should arrive downtown Pendleton around 8:20am for those wanting to meet us there. Some will ride a second loop and you should be near the intersection of Five Forks and Timm's Mill Rd around 9:20am to join us for the second loop.

Not sure about your bike fit? Here's some info for you..

As we all know a properly fitting bike is essential for long-term comfort and efficiency. Bicycle fitting is a subject most people including myself find quite confusing. I've personally been fitted by a multitude of different people over the years and hands down the best bike fit I've had has been from Jim Cunnigham. He uses traditional methods of fitting but also incorporates a computer program that gives basically anything you want to know about your pedal stroke, cadence, wattage, efficiency, your level of fitness, etc. If you have any questions about proper bike fit call Jim @ --(864) 630-3081 or email him @ Jim Cunningham Expect to spend about $75 and approximately 1 1/2 hours with him.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Caesar's Head Ride in 2 weeks -July 29th-

The date is set for Saturday, July 29th. This is a ride option for the SVR that day. Plan to meet at NewSpring church around 6:20-6:25 so we can leave by car/truck at 6:30 for the 30 minute drive up to Liberty. The bike route should be about 60-65 miles round trip from Liberty to Caesar's Head and back to Liberty according to Ryan. The exact departure location in Liberty will be determined later. Some guys may want to carpool the bikes up there, and a few could ride their bikes back to NewSpring for an extra 20 miles. (I'd be willing to drive a vehicle back from Liberty to NewSpring.)
For questions about the route and it's difficulty, contact Ryan Robinson. He will be our ride leader, and I'm assisting with the coordination and planning. More details will follow, but we wanted to get this out so everyone could put it on their calendars. You've got less than 3 weeks to get your climbing legs together!

Thursday, July 13, 2006

SVR leaving 7:30am from Newspring 7-15-06

Saturday ride leaving NewSpring @ 7:30am. Casual pace and no-one gets dropped ride of approximately 37 miles. Will ride from Newspring to Tuesday Night Course via Shackleford and Walker Rd. Should arrive downtown Pendleton around 8:20am for those wanting to meet us there. Some will ride a second loop and you should be near the intersection of Five Forks and Timm's Mill Rd around 9:20am to join us for the second loop.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

SVR- Leaving 7am from Newsping- July 8th-

Saturday ride leaving Newspring @ 7am. -Please make note of the new ride start time- The ride will be very casual and no-one gets dropped. We’ll ride to the Tuesday night course via Shackleburg and Walker Rd. Should arrive downtown Pendleton around 7:50 for those wanting to meet us there. For those going one loop the total miles should be around 37. Some will do a second loop and if you want to meet us for the second loop be close to Timms Mill and Five Forks Rd around 8:50. If we’re not there just reverse the course until you find us.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Ladies SVR - Saturday, July 8th - 7:30am

The ladies version of the SVR (Saturday Vance ride) will plan on leaving Newspring parking lot at 7:30 this Saturday AM July 8th for the approx 38 mile loop, as with the boys, no one gets dropped. If someone wants a shorter loop, we can add whatever distance you would prefer. Remember, as opposed to the boys, we know where all the "real" bathrooms are on the course!
Chasse Bailey-Dorton, MD, MSPH
Family Medicine Specialists
813 North Fant Street
Anderson, SC 29621
864-260-1596 - fax

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Matt Helton- aka Dr. Ferrari -offers discounts for our group

In Store Special! Attention Cyclists, Triathletes and Endurance Athletes. Optygen: Buy One, Get One Half Price! Limit 4 per customer. Biobuilde: Buy One, Get One Half Price! Limit 4 per customer. Receive a bottle of Recovery Stack Free with $100 purchase. I will make it worth the drive! Free day pass w/purchase. I will Special Order at no additional cost! I am overstocked and selling below my cost! I DARE anyone to beat my prices on ANY 1st Endurance product, SciFit products or BodyHealth products.
Receive a Free T-shirt with purchase of Arnge Krush!
Contact Matt Helton @ Axioma Fittness with any questions about these products- Matthew Helton

Monday, July 03, 2006

Two Rides to choose from on Tuesday July 4th-

1- Ride leaving Newspring @ 8am- Casual pace and no-one gets dropped. Should arrive downtown Pendleton around 8:50 for those wanting to meet us there. If 36 miles isn’t enough some will add a second loop.

2- There is a metric century on Tuesday, July 4th leaving from Tryon, NC. A few of us discussed it at last night's ride, and there is moderate to strong interest.
We would need to leave about 5:30am, and should return about 1:30 or 2:00. It's probably 1 hr, 20 mins from Anderson.
If you are interested, please visit their website at:

And if you'd like to go, I'd recommend we meet at NewSpring church between 5:20 and 5:25. Those of us with pick-up trucks can load 3 bikes so we could carpool.
Please e-mail me if you're interested so we know who and how many to expect. Thanks!

If you need more information or want to Join Scott and Bill on the Tryon ride email either Scott or Bill @ -