Thursday, November 29, 2007

SVR for 12-1-07


This SVR is the FIRST for the month of December!!! That means Santa must be on his way!!! Christmas is right around the corner!! Do you think part of the criteria of the BIG MAN figuring out who's been naughty or nice has something to do with showing up for the SVR (Saturday Velo Ride)? Have you started your CCWL? (Christmas Cycling Wish List)? For me, I'll take one of each!!!!

If the jolly old man in the RED suit is watching, let's show him what we do on Saturdays!!!! WE RIDE!!! This Saturday, we depart from the parking lot of New Spring at 9am sharp. We'll stick to the regular route.

As in previous weeks, my only mission is to log miles and saddle time. The weather should be better (aka WARMER) than last Saturday. So, come on out to ride about 41 to 44 miles. Is there a better way to start your Saturday?
Best of luck to those who will join the Winter Bike League in G'ville!!!!

Mike "the sweeper"

NOTE: The parking lot of NewSpring is off McGee Road. McGee Road short road that connects Hwy 81 to Concord Road.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

SVR for 11-24-07


I hope everyone is ready to ride! My daughter informed me that the typical Thanksgiving Meal (aka eating marathon) has about 5000 calories. She didn’t bother to tell me about the calorie content of the various snacks and assorted goodies consumed during the rest of the day. So, I think it’s time to ride so we can put that stored energy to good use. According to what I read, the best way to burn calories is to stay in HR target zone less than 3, right? So, I do not plan to go anaerobic. My mission continues to build base miles for next year.

Join a thankful bunch of riders this Saturday for the BEST ride of the day. We’ll meet at New Spring Church parking lot. Our rollout time is 0900 on the dot!!! Our route continues to be ~44 miles… There are several riders who are out of town enjoying the holiday with family. We’ll miss Griz who is partaking of sunshine in Florida. Vortex is at the beach (yes, the Vortex riding again!). So, that’s two riders who are out and we’re looking for someone to fill the void in the paceline.

So, the Tigers play in Columbia, Thanksgiving is over, Friday is for shopping, that means Saturday is for riding, right?

Mike the “base-builder”

PS. last weekend we had many riders, even Tony joined us!!! However, the correct number of riders for the SVR can be described as N+1… N = the number riders from last week and the “1” is YOU!!!
PSS or PPS... the parking lot of New Spring Church is off McGee Road... McGee Rd connects Hwy 81 to Concord Rd in Anderson, SC.... a New Spring Church sign is on Concord Road, very close to where Concord intersects with Hwy 81... hope to see you there!!!!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

SVR 11-17-07

It is the best of both worlds.. the prefect balance of resting and riding.... Saturday is the day to ride… and we’re pushing the start time back to 9AM SHARP. That means you get an extra hour to roll-over ONCE, get a 2nd cup of joe, stumble around the kitchen for some grub, let the dogs out, flip through the paper, kiss the wife (or hubbie) and roll-out for the ride.

More importantly, pushing back the ride to 9AM allows mother earth one more hour to HEAT UP…. That’s right, it’s gonna be cool (if not cold) at the start, so dress warmly… but don’t over-dress.

I'm into the winter ride time of "just logging miles"... a feeble attempt to tie the 08 season to the 09 season. For this Saturday, my mission is to have a calorie deficit so I can enjoy the upcoming Thanksgiving.

Our route remains the "tried & true".... starting from the parking lot at New Spring's Church. We're teaching the route to as many riders as will come out to learn it. So, come and join us for a great 2-wheeled time.

Clemson does play at home, but kick-off isn't until DARK.. so, there's plenty of "day time" for riding, honey-do lists and kicking back and watching the game on the BIG SCREEN...
Will someone tell me the significance of the pic in this post?

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Details for 11-10-07

Tighten your cranks, fix your flats, it's time to GO... this is your special invite to ride. Come join a brave bunch of riders for a group ride. We roll out of New Spring's parking lot at 8:30 SHARP. You better dress warm to start and just maybe it'll warm up and you can shed your arm warmers. I missed last weekend's ride so, once again, I'll pay the cycling gurus for missing some spin time... SPIN TIME, yep, that will continue to be my mission... just spinning & grinning... (that's different from Whaley's pick'n & a grin'n)

NOTE: Due to the Clemson home game with a 12noon kick-off, we'll avoid going into downtown Pendleton. So, that means no stopping at the C-store to refuel for those who DON'T eat breakfast... so, be ye warned... the route will be about 41 miles +/-.. (note, my plus/minus means more than one standard deviation)

Here's a shout out to Dr. Econ!!!! get fixed fast and get back out on the road... and a shout out to "THE RETIRED ONE"..we'll see you on the flip-side of retirement... (that means when you get tired of sleeping in on Saturdays)

AND here's a shout to those who did the "pump & run".. I hear it was a great event and some of our locals did very well... and props to the MTB 12 hour racers... I heard 3 were there....

Since "he" has retired, we're looking for some more folks to take a pull... yep, once again, I'm in need of a wheel to follow.. won't it be yours?

See ya at 8:30am, what else is there to do?

526 Madden (aka "the sweeper")

Thursday, November 01, 2007

SVR 11-3-07

Here's an invitation to ride... this Saturday, Team Canada will lead the ride from New Springs. The start time is 8:30AM sharpe. The distance will remain the same of about 43 miles +/-. Last weekend, we had 2 new riders from Greenville. It was a great time riding with new folks. It will be rather cool at the start, so come prepared to stay warm until the sun rises and gives off a little heat. Due to an educational opportunity and a family obligation, I will not attend the SVR. So, someone need to post a ride report so I can enjoy the efforts of others... I'll take details of how many riders.. how cold, any break-aways, and a pedal-stroke-by-pedal-stroke detail of the one and only sprint zone at Mac's...

We'll miss a few SVR regulars and "the name sake".. because they are either volunteering or participating in the "Pump & Run" event in Abbeville. I think there's time to sign up... Give Matt Helton of Axioma Fitness a call (366-2950). The event was apparently conceived by uberGuvna Arnold Schwarzenegger. Contestants bench press their own body weight (or a percent thereof based on age/sex). For each rep completed, they get to deduct 30 seconds from their time in a 5k run that follows. The fastest time (after deductions) wins. Matt's also having a nice health fair afterwards with food and live entertainment. It all takes place at his gym (Axioma Fitness) on the 28 bypass around Abbeville this Saturday. The pump and run is at 7:30 am and the health fair starts at 10. For more info, call the gym at 366-2950.
So, whatever you're doing.. ENJOY IT... this is the only Nov 3, 2007 you'll ever have.

See ya next weekend.

526 Madden

PS.... I just couldn't resist... being a roadie at heart, I read Bicycling... there was an article of a timed ride... and it had donut stops.... the more donuts the rider ate, the more time deducted from his overall time... I'm not promoting this.. just find it an interesting twist to the Pump & Run...