Thursday, June 25, 2009


Riders, as previously announced, this weekend’s ride is going to the “dogs”… the Greyhound Benefit Ride… the ride starts at 0830 from the Ducworth-Tucker YMCA Ball Fields off of Hwy 81 (just behind Ole Country Smokehouse BBQ)… registration is available on the day of the ride… what a great way to get a SAG supported ride… and benefit a great organization!!!!

You know, we “cyclist” and Greyhounds have something in common… the need for speed!!! And there’s nothing better than paceline riding for guaranteed speed, right?

The Greyhound ride provides 3 distances… 25, 40 and 62 miles… something for everyone… and we get to stop and eat and refill bottles along the way…

One of our own planned the route... and marked it.. so, the roads will be familar to the masses..

Come ready to ride… and have some fun… oh yea, don't forget the lunch provide afterwards.... I think it's a HOT-DOG!!!! no kidding...

The Announcer

Thursday, June 18, 2009

SVR for 6-20-09


Now that the first part of the summer crunch (1/2 events, graduations, life obligations, vacations, and relocation of children to and fro) is over… it’s time to return to what we do best… ride… This weekend is the start of a new training season for the swim/bike/run… on Saturday, the focus will be on biking… aka cycling… a long uninterrupted, continuous effort, without many prolonged stops…. so, if you’re not at the beach.. or at Disney… or not a “laid up” with an aliment… or working… or sleeping… or fly-fishing… or playing “ball”, come ready to ride…

The group meets at the parking lot of New Spring Church with a “wheels roll” time of 0800… the route remains the same… some will need more or less miles and will adjust their individual route as necessary… some riders will meet us on the road…. so let’s be on time and remember, “we don’t wait on the fast guys”… it’s gonna be hot, so start drinking NOW!!!! Oops, perhaps that should read “start hydrating” now… and pack your Endurolytes….

For next weekend, our ride will “go to the dogs”… the Greyhound Ride… don’t forget to sign up…
okay, the pic is not Kidd-D's hand.. but, it's a reminder to wear gloves!!!

The Announcer

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Saturday 6-13-09


One more time to ride! I was out of town all last week, hence the 2-fer notice the last time… hopefully, ride notices will become more regular.

The group will meet again this Saturday at New Spring parking lot to roll out at 0800 sharp. The route is tried and true… who need surprises, right?

Don’t forget to sign up for the Greyhound Rescue Ride… if we support them, they’ll support us… and we can “grow” an organized right here in River City!!!

Props to TT-Bob for winning the state championship!!! And Props to parent moving their children to new locations in and out of the state!!!! And props to those who competed in the Festival of Flowers... NICE JOB!!!! and props to those who vacation... and props to those who run... and props to those who did garage sales.... and props to those who are tired, weak and weary....
Here's a warning about vacationing... plan on getting your daily dose of exercise... recently, while cruising the Caribbean Sea... my wife and and I scheduled time to hit the gym... that way, we were able to burn some of the calories from the floating buffet line... now, we're at "pre vacation" weight... sweet!!!!

The Announcer