Thursday, September 25, 2008

Ride for 9-27-08

Yeah, you can buy speed.. this pic looks like it's moving fast.. just standing still!!! WOW, what a ride!!!

Last Saturday was a great day to ride. It was cool enough for arm warmers and breezy enough to stay in a paceline. After a long hiatus away from the SVR, we welcomed back The General and The Coach. It was nice to have them there to pull us around the course. It could have been The Generals first ride in IMLP? But, I’m getting so old and forgetful that I might not have remembered other rides that he might have attended…. But, I know for sure, that it had been months and months since THE COACH had joined our little merry group of Saturday Morning Riders. And for those who missed last weeks ride, you missed the NameSake running through the peleton… of course, the peleton was parked… and he was jogging… We did catch him on Shackleburg!!!

Here’s a shout out to those elite athletes competing in the SC Half… a half iron distance… 1.2 mile swim… 56 miles of riding pleasure… followed a 13.1 mile run!!!! According to public records, a shout goes to Brooks, Ken, Whaley, Jamie McD from Easley and Bob’s relay team of Swimmer Dave, TT-Bob and an out-of-state, sand-bagger of a runner!!! Of course, best of luck to the PRO level athletes too….

The Clemson game has a 12noon kickoff… but, that’s been the same for the past 3 weekends… our route keeps us off the road of the tailgating traffic!!! And you can go home, get in the LAZY-BOY and watch the game on TV!!!

So, join us for more fun than is legally allowed. Wheels roll at 0800 from New Springs Parking Lot… the route includes Simms Mill… and total miles ~45 +/-. If you’re new to the group, give us a shout and we’ll keep an eye on you during the ride.

Come fueled, locked, loaded and ready to ride.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Ride for 9-20-08

I must declare that my outside riding has been reduced to one day per week as I’m no longer able to make the Tuesday Night Throw-down in Pendleton… I guess it has to do with me being slow, the days getting shorter and work getting busier… put all three together, you get the picture I’m in need of some ride time for this weekend. I’m working on some research… how can attending the SPIN class at the Y keep you from losing everything you’ve gained this season?? Let’s just see what kind of miracle the spin instructor (aka Dr. Pain) can perform until next spring.

But for this Saturday, we’re going OUTSIDE and what weather we’re going to have for this Saturday’s ride!!! The early temp should be in the low to mid 60s… and it should warm up to about 80 or so… it doesn’t get any better than that, right? The question will be, what to wear?

So, join us for the best ride of the week… the SVR… we roll out at 0800 SHARP from the parking lot of New Spring Church. The loop has grown to be about 45 miles since we’ve included Simms Mill Rd.

Also, if you’re interested in CR1’s ticket to ride the Six Gap Century (or whatever that hilly course is called), please email him at or Bob at

I think the cost is around $45 or so.

See ya in the parking lot, on the road and at Macs!

Spin class vs the peleton???

Friday, September 12, 2008

Ride for 9-13-08

Let’s saddle up and ride. This weekend, we’ll get back to the mission of logging some miles… a few riders will desire more than others… as Wheel-less needs more miles than most of us… if so inclined.. join him as he rolls out BEFORE sunrise… yes.. Whaley’s departure time is scheduled for 0700… and according to my sources… sunrise is about 7:13AM..(that’s +/- 1 minute margin of error)… But, please note… from 7am to 8am, Wheel-less will be all business…

For me, I’ll use the 0700 hour for my coffee and bagel… BUT, I will join the “the early crew” for their 3rd time to Mac’s later in the ride…. maybe we’ll get to see Whaley follow the nutrition exploits of the General and the Promoter as he downs a cheeseburger and Mt Dew??? No way they’ll serve that in the B2B race??

So, join me for the “rolling of the wheels” at 0800 sharp from the parking lot of New Springs… our loop will include Simms Mill… that’ll give us total of about 47 miles (+/-).

Now, there are reports out there of some stealth training going on… someone is out running down Hwy 81 at 9:45PM… and another someone is running intervals on the treadmill at the Y (and I thought you had bad knees!!!) There’s no need to train alone…. Come out for the ride that will certainly entertain and train at the same time…

So, if you’re back from vacationing in Brazil, or if you’re done “tri-ing”, or finished organized rides, or just need to spin the cranks… GET A BIKE and join us…

But, if you find yourself vacationing in Switzerland… we’ll give you a pass…


PS.. here’s something worth repeating.. have you given support to Chasse yet? I think it would give her a nice boost when she’s riding THIRD shift… she can think of all the support from our local riding community… united in a great cause!!!

Here is her message…

I'm off on another daring adventure to fight cancer, since October will celebrate my 6th year as a cancer survivor! I've signed up with a group to ride our bikes from Greenville, SC to Austin, Texas in 5 days!!! We are divided into teams of 6 riders and will each take 6 hour shifts around the clock until we reach our destination, leaving Greenville on October 19th. Once in Austin, we will join in the LiveStrong celebration. Being on this team means I am committed to raise $5,000 which will go to the LAF, and my share to Cancer Association of Anderson. Help me!

Please consider joining me in honoring cancer fighters in your life by supporting the good work of the Lance Armstrong Foundation (LAF) and Cancer Association of Anderson (CAA)

Donating through website is simple, fast and totally secure. It is also the most efficient way to support my fund-raising efforts. Can I count on you to help? Just click on my name (Chasse Bailey-Dorton) as rider.

Friday, September 05, 2008


I know everyone is riveted to the weather channel... watching Hanna as she makes up her mind of when, where and what time to make land-fall. I'll be the first to confess I'd like to see some rain, but I'd rather have it come in late Saturday!! AFTER the "events" of the day... yes, we have several events we'd like to get in... some need to "get their money's worth" in Pickens at the Pickens YMCA Tri.. others need to get "their money's worth" at the Clemson-Citadel Game... and others need to "get their miles in"... for a long bike ride!!!

The group will gather for a rollout time of 8am sharp.. from the parking lot of New Spring Church.... that should give plenty of time to ride before the afternoon kick-off... For me and Mr. Gold-Medal ... we're hoping for good weather in Pickens!!! who else is in???

be safe, ride hard... and I'll see ya next Saturday

The Ride Announcer

ps... we have at least 2 guys who need a bike... so, if you have 54 or a 56... and no longer in need of it.. let us know...