Thursday, March 29, 2007

SVR for 3-31-07

The SVR (Saturday Velo Ride) rolls out of New Spring parking lot at 8:30am... that's 30 minutes earlier than previous weeks!!! We'll continue to take the detour to get off Lebanon Rd... we should arrive in Pendleton around 9:40am +/-. The total route is about 43 miles.

The question for you is... ride or no ride this Saturday!

Don't forget to register to ride the JJR on 4-7-07

Monday, March 26, 2007

3rd and Last Tuesday Ride Announcement

They say the 3rd time is the charm... so, here's the 3rd notice of the Tuesday night ride. The riders meet in Pendleton, at the top of the square for the 6PM departure. The route is ~ 27miles and travels much of the SVR route. Last week, we had a HUGE number of riders... a great showing so early in the season. Based on that, I'm sure the "secret" about the ride is out among the cycling community. That being said, and the fact the ride is attended by so many riders, this is my last official reminder for the EVERY TUESDAY NIGHT RIDE.....

Of note, there will be at least 4 riders who will leave New Springs parking lot at 4:45 sharp for a 17 mile warm up to the ride start.... This small group of riders will make every attempt to start from New Spring at 4:45... so, if you work near by, go to work early and take your bike, eat lunch at your desk, and clear your calendar so you can join us.

See ya on The Square,

Mike "the announcer" Madden

Thursday, March 22, 2007

SVR for 3-24-07

Saturday Ride: 43 miles... start time 9AM from New Spring's parking lot... no rider left behind... see email of other details....

Don't Forget to Drink!

Its getting warmer out there lately, and more is to come. So, those of you seasoned endurance sports veterans, having endured many a July of sweltering South Carolina heat, know full well the importance of staying hydrated. What? You say you you're still drinking the same bottle of Gatorade you fixed for that ride in November? Well, folks, that's about to change.

Exercising in warm weather, an average person will lose over 1 liter of water every hour. But as we emerge from winter, our cold-weather adapted bodies aren't prepared for the stress of the heat. We are more prone to heat and hydration related maladies.

That said..... (we've all heard it before, and we'll all hear it again) .... top off those water bottles with lots of electrolyte filled fluids and keep sipping! Bring plenty on the bike, and be sure to drink afterwards. Before the ride, drink a big glass, even if you aren't particularly thirsty.

Watch out for that all-time favorite, drug of choice of endurance athletes everywhere (caffeine) while in the heat. Its a natural diuretic and you'll be more prone to dehydration and cramping if you overdo it.


Monday, March 19, 2007

Don't Forget the Tuesday Ride!!!

Don't forget the Tuesday night ride beginning in Pendleton is underway. The entire group meets near the square for some chit chat swapping riding stories and checking out equipment. The usual and customary rollout time is 6PM sharp. Last week, we had a nice group of riders on the road. This ride has always been well attended by all levels of riders. Just to mention a few, there's a solid group of riders known as the Boomer Zoomers.

So, make sure you do what it takes to make the ride; go to work early, take your bike & SHOES!!! and related cycling gear and come straight to P-ton after work, get the necessary permits signed allowing you to ride (like from a spouse who thought you'd do yard work tomorrow night.... the grass can wait!!!) and join us for 27 miles of fun.

There will be at least two riders meeting at New Spring's parking lot for a departure of 4:45PM SHARP. We'll ride over to the square which is 17 miles at a moderate spinning pace... just enough to warm up for the ride....

I'll stop the Tuesday night ride announcement once EVERYONE on the distribution lists attends... that's just over 100 riders!!!

Thursday, March 15, 2007

SVR for 3-17-07

Once again, the SVR will begin at 9AM at the New Spring's parking lot this Saturday. The loop remains the established route with the new detour to avoid Lebanon Road. The entire group rides the neutral zone until Timms Mill. At that point, those needing interval training, fast paceline and other hard efforts are welcomed to go off the front. We'll have a second group like we've had for the past 2 weekends. You select your group according to your mission of the day....
Last weekend, we welcomed Tony back after taking a few weekends off... and Bossman Bob was back for his 2nd straight SVR.... However, we did miss Pepe'... maybe he'll be back???
According to, it'll be slightly chilly this Saturday morning... so, get some rest, eat some carbs, dress warm and come to ride.

Here's a SHOUT OUT to "The Nail"... hope for a speedy recovery!!!

Until Saturday,

Monday, March 12, 2007

Pendleton Tuesday Night Ride 3-13-07

One GREAT thing about the time change is The Tuesday Night Ride!!!! The ride starts from the square at 6PM. The ride is ~27 miles and follows the SVR route from Pendleton. This is a great ride that is attended by folks from Calhoun Falls, Seneca, Clemson, Easley and of course, Anderson!! There are many different rider groups available from "the racers", "the tri-trainers", "the cruisers" and "the relaxers". Most everyone will be of the "TGIT" mindset!!! (Thanks Goodness it's TUESDAY!!!)

So, once again you can select your group and join the fun... it really doesn't get any better than this!!!

There will be a group of at least two riders who will meet at New Spring's parking lot at 4:40PM for a departure of no later than 4:45 to ride to Pendleton for the 6PM start. The ride over is a moderate spin of 17 miles... then, at 6PM it's each man, woman and child on their own... then, we'll spin down Dalrymple back towards New Spring...

The weather is suppose to be fabulous!!!

So, if the SVR is too cold, too early or too much, the Tuesday night ride should be just right!!!

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

N + 1 Ride

This weekend's ride is the "N + 1" ride. The equation is N = the number of riders that attended the last SVR and + 1 is whoever did not ride!!! SO, that might mean you!!!

We'll have two groups, so you can make your choice. The whole group will ride together until Timms Mill, then a group will go off the front while the second group will ride at an average speed of ~15mph for 42 miles.

We start at 9AM from New Spring's parking lot.

See ya there?