2 Rides

Calorie Consumers (aka Riders)
You have two chances to ride this holiday weekend... and given what's going down "the pie hole" tomorrow... some of will NEED to ride... Statistics say (anything we want them to say)... but the average Thanksgiving meal is about 10,000 calories... that's a nice calorie load for a ride, right? So, after you consume more than your "fare share" of Thanksgiving goodies... make plans to burn that fuel... on at least one of the SVRs (Saturday Vance Rides).. either Friday or Saturday...
Details... Mr. NameSake (aka Vance) is meeting at New Spring parking lot for a ride at 0900 on FRIDAY.... the route is the same... as what we do on the Saturday ride...
However, there are a few of us.. (me included).. that must WORK Friday... (on my work schedule, Thursday is the holiday.. but, there's not any special notation for Friday... that mean business as usual)... so, in light of that....
I'm announcing the tried and true SVR... SATURDAY "Vance-less" Ride... 0900 from New Spring... don't worry about Clemson-USC traffic... as our route is off the main roads... you'll he home in time to watch some of the game... usual ride time is about 3 hours... I do declare only ONE short cut this weekend... I'm not doing the rollers (again)...
So, take your pick... ride one or the other.. or BOTH!!!!
You have two chances to ride this holiday weekend... and given what's going down "the pie hole" tomorrow... some of will NEED to ride... Statistics say (anything we want them to say)... but the average Thanksgiving meal is about 10,000 calories... that's a nice calorie load for a ride, right? So, after you consume more than your "fare share" of Thanksgiving goodies... make plans to burn that fuel... on at least one of the SVRs (Saturday Vance Rides).. either Friday or Saturday...
Details... Mr. NameSake (aka Vance) is meeting at New Spring parking lot for a ride at 0900 on FRIDAY.... the route is the same... as what we do on the Saturday ride...
However, there are a few of us.. (me included).. that must WORK Friday... (on my work schedule, Thursday is the holiday.. but, there's not any special notation for Friday... that mean business as usual)... so, in light of that....
I'm announcing the tried and true SVR... SATURDAY "Vance-less" Ride... 0900 from New Spring... don't worry about Clemson-USC traffic... as our route is off the main roads... you'll he home in time to watch some of the game... usual ride time is about 3 hours... I do declare only ONE short cut this weekend... I'm not doing the rollers (again)...
So, take your pick... ride one or the other.. or BOTH!!!!
JUST FYI for last weekend.. we had 3 riders show... Tony "I'm back" came out to join Jerry "the Animal" and yours truly... we met The Knights of the Roundtable on S'burg... and then, near P-ton.. here comes Mr.NameSake riding General Lee... it was cold, but the Frozen Chozen marched on... now, just how did NameSake and "the Animal" catch us on Dalrymple???? we need to know...