First Ride in May

Who will ride this weekend? Hopefully, everyone will get in a few miles. There’s an organized ride in Walhalla, Isaqueena’s Last Ride which is SURE to hurt the legs with all the climbing. And I hope that someone will be in the parking lot of New Spring Church to roll out at 0800. But, this weekend, it won’t be me. I’m traveling out of state to ride… that’s out of a state of mind!!!! So, someone needs to step up and lead the charge!! The SVR (Saturday Velo Ride) must continue. I know there are some folks out there who has the addiction to ride.... just come get your fix.
Of note, last Saturday, we had a HUGE group. We welcomed back a few riders who took some time off… one guy had taken “years” off the bike. He said he had a good time and will be back. Now, we need a few new riders!!! We have folks looking for bikes who want to change from that bi-pedal locomotion to the sweet sound of free-wheeling!!! It's true, things come back a round.... round as in circle... circle as in bike wheel!!! So, do as the Queen song says... I want to ride my bicycle, I want to ride my bike!!! la, la, la...
Hopefully, if everything goes as planned, I’ll return next Saturday to ride again on the quiet country roads of Anderson County.
Until then,
The Announcer.
PS… if you’re new to the group, give a shout out so someone can assist with keeping you on the route…. And remember our motto for our route… ride one, learn one, teach one
note: this pic is of the Andersonians who made their presence known at the G'wood tri....