Thursday, April 29, 2010

Ride for May 1

Riders,IV> IV>Here's the only peleton I saw last week... a group of riders from the cruise ship going on an excursion.... hmm, did I or did I NOT ride?? hmm, what's your guess?
Of note, the first ride of May will be this Saturday. We'll have the standard operating procedure... meet at NS parking lot.... and wheels roll at 0800...
note the other rides in the near future... the SVR will yield to the Safe Harbor Ride and the Grey Hound ride for June.... so, get registered....
The Announcer

Friday, April 16, 2010

Ride for 4-17-10

the new ride start time is 0800... 8am... 1 hour earlier than last week... we'll keep the 0800 time until late fall when we'll need to change again....

be safe,

Thursday, April 08, 2010

Ride for 4-10-10

So, who rode JJR?? they did!!! Here's a fearsome three-some about to get in a hundred.... I know one did... how about the other two?? what say ye???
Join the group for some Saturday miles... we're leaving at 0900 from the parking lot of New Spring... we'll travel about 42 more or less miles on 2 wheeled self-powered vehicles...
this may be the last 0900 ride... there's been a motion and it's been seconded to move the ride start time to 0800 starting next week... that'll give those more time to visit Macs AGAIN.... cheeseburger paradise is what they call it....
so, if you're not Turkey Hunting... come ride...
The Announcer

Thursday, April 01, 2010

Ride for Saturday 4-3-10

This Saturday, the SVR will yield to the JJR. The JJR will give you options of 30 miles to a full metric. Since the JJR is right in our own back yard, you can add more miles as you please.

Historically, there's been a core group of regulars who'll add more mile by riding to the start, ride JJR and ride back... hmm, since I'm training for NOTHING... I've not pursued that options.
We'll resume our usual and customary SVR route next Saturday.
Have great Easter and take time to reflect on the meaning.
The Announcer.