Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Ride for Saturday

So, how about a little more "eye candy"... how sweet the 11's are going to be!!! it appears it's "tis the season"... just ask the few who recently received Christmas over the past few months... we're not talking iPADs, LapTops, shoes, or clothes... we're talking hard core bikes!!!
Now, let's all meet to ride this Saturday... the wheels on the bike go round & round starting at 0801... that one minute extra is for the "late comers".... so, we're throwing them a bone... but, remember... we (or at least I) don't wait on the fast guys....
This weekend will be Kentucky Cheek's and QR Rainwater last SVR before IRONMAN KENTUCKY... (or IMLou).... on the last Sunday of the month... they've trained HARD... so, hard I was tired just from Cheek telling me he'd already ran 21 miles BEFORE church on Sunday... and all I had to do was walk to the kitchen for coffee!!!
Best of luck to Ben...he's out for triple digits... miles that is.... we just hope that's no the temp in Tennessee!!!!
If you're new... give a shout to a veteran... a veteran will be the ones "talking smack" in the parking lot...
The Announcer

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Saturday 8-14-10

here's something to look at... and you can see these up close and personal this coming Saturday... as 2 riders in the SVR family has new bikes!!!

come ready to ride... the group pulls out at 0801... the one minute extra is for the bike lust that will occur once these new bikes arrive....

Here's a shout out to Beastie Bob who sent a ride report from a few weeks ago... just at the same time as I had computer issues...which are driving me crazy.....

So, kicks & giggles for everyone this Saturday???? including Sir Dillard???

the announcer

Thursday, August 05, 2010

Saturday Ride 8-7-10

we'll ride this Saturday starting around 0800... so, finish the laundry, feed the kids, take the nap, pump the tires, do a little carbo load and come ride... the route is 44 miles, with a few extra here and there... some riders will collect 100+ miles for their last training day...
note, here's some "kicks & giggles".. a pic of our puppy last year... we get "kicks & giggles" from things like that... on Saturdays, we get tried and true bike routes... no deviations just for kicks & giggles....
come ready to ride... there will be a few hard efforts on the way to Mac's... after that, it's a bit more pleasurable...
the announcer...