Thursday, May 31, 2007

SVR supporting the Safe Harbor II Ride

This Saturday, many of the SVR (Saturday Velo Ride) gang will take part in the Safe Harbor II Cycle Tour. It's a great course and supports a great cause. The ride is a fund raiser to provide safety and healing for victims of family violence in Anderson, Oconee and Pickens counties.

According to a local cycling club's newsletter... this is "the ride of all rides"... the course has been marked by one of our own... Bob C... from Calhoun Falls... and being the roadie and TT expert.. he's marked the course for RIDERS... with great turn signals... and warnings of holes, etc.... and when to "let'r rip" on the downhills...

The course is flatter and faster than our usual SVR loop.

The ride starts in Iva, SC at the Iva Civic Center on Hwy 81 South... watch for the sign...
on-site registration and sign in begins at 0700 and will end at 0815... the mass start is 0830... cost is $35 if you haven't signed up...

2 routes available... 25 or 65 miles...

There MIGHT be some riders who cannot make this ride... and will depart New Spring's Parking lot at 0800 for the standard loop...

For me, I'll be in Iva... waiting to take a pull at the front... a very short pull that is..

Mike "the announcer" Madden

PS... A warm welcome to Bob... from Florida, who joined us for 44 miles last Saturday..... now, the SVR has a Florida Bill and a Florida Bob... not to be confused with Bossman Bob or Bob C....

Thursday, May 24, 2007

T minus 34 hours to SVR

Before NASA sends off a space mission, they conduct a readiness poll for launch. As mission control goes through a checklist, he's listening for members of his team to give a GO or NO GO for launch.... flight control... GO.... communications.... GO

This weekend, I've heard from a number of riders who are NO GO for SVR. Some are headed for training in the mountains... GOOD LUCK... I don't do vertical riding.... (see last weeks comments for ILR)... some have left for vacation.... (I get mine in July)..... some are visiting "the" mother-in-law... (I won't go there).... and some will be in Hartwell riding the Challenge of the Centuries.... which is an excellent ride...

So, here's your chance to voice a GO or NO GO for SVR this Saturday... for me, I can't quite make it to Hartwell, Ga and back in time to do some other Saturday stuff... so, right now, I'm a GO for SVR... The plan is the usual... our launch time is 0800 from New Spring's parking lot...

IF you do plan to ride... I'd appreciate some feedback.... and if I don't hear from anyone by bedtime tomorrow... I might just try to rearrange my Saturday....

As a courtesy to others... please reply to ALL...

Mike "I'd rather ride SVR" Madden

Thursday, May 17, 2007

5-19-07 Ride Details

Once again, this Saturday a group of riders will meet at the parking lot of New Spring for some miles. Please note there is an organized ride that starts in Walhalla. It's the classic Issaqueena's Last Ride. Out of our group of usual riders, Bob, Ryan and Florida Bill will conquer the challenging, mountain ride. It's described by as "cumulative elevation gain of about 8500 feet highlighted with the climb toward Whitewater Falls and Wigington Overlook. The metric is shorter but includes the major climbs. The 35 mile is hilly but does not go into the mountains. Please know your strength and do not over-reach." Just speaking for myself, I'll have NONE of that!!!

Also, this weekend Griz will compete in a tri-event in Rock Hill. If my information is correct, Fred will be in Florida doing a 1/2 Ironman.... Russ will be in Georgia taming the "Beast of the East" 1/2 IronMan... Bossman Bob will be in NC for the Fletcher Flyer on Sunday... riding with his brother...

As for me, I'll meet the REST OF US for an 8AM departure from the usual starting place.... we'll observe the neutral zone until Timms Mill... then, settle into differing groups... Some folks will go for many miles... others will stick with the 43 mile loop... whatever your pleasure and training goals might be.

There is a rumor that Whaley is riding.... this is only a rumor... and if it does come true, I think the cosmos is out-of-whack... why not come witness what could be a cataclysmic event?

Of note, there are two more local rides that are posted on The Challenge of the Centuries in Hartwell, Ga for Memorial Day Weekend... and the Safe Harbor Ride in Iva, SC on June 2... the Iva ride is one you don't want to miss!!!

I do believe it's your turn at the front...

maybe some of the "away" riders will post a ride report? this is your blog too!!

Thursday, May 10, 2007

May 12 Ride

Ready to ride? Hopefully, this Saturday will be better than last week. There's a chance of some liquid sunshine again. Keep your fingers crossed for blue skies. Just a note about last week... during the torrential rain storm, 4 brave SVR souls saddled-up and turned the cranks... Vance, Russ, Whaley and Fred conquered the elements and logged some character building miles... The question on the street is.. Why did Whaley Ride?? one day, we'll get an answer... As usual, we plan to depart New Spring's parking lot at 0800. The route will be at least one loop of the standard roads (~43miles), then more or less miles depending on who needs what. We'll observe the neutral zone until Timms Mill Rd. We'll settle into at least 2 groups of varying speeds.

Come out and grab some wheel. Drafting is an all time favorite way to ride and I'll need a few riders to share pulls.

Perhaps during the ride, Fred can explain just "what went wrong" on the Tuesday night ride... it was a comedy of mishaps... I'm sure that was a once-in-a-lifetime series of events.... never to be repeated again... but, it'll make a great story for Fred to tell when he's retired and on the front porch swapping stories of yester-year.

Best of luck to those doing the Clemson Tri... we'd like a race report when you're done..

Mike "I'll ride if it's not raining" Madden

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Saturday 5-5-07

How fast time flies!!! It's almost Saturday, again!! TGIS!!! Are you ready to ride? I know I am. Listen up, the ride departure time has been moved UP to 0800 this coming Saturday, May 5. We'll roll out of New Spring's parking lot and get in some miles. The neutral zone will be until we get to Timms Mill. There's a motion on the table and its received a second, to alter the route just a bit for some recon work AND extra miles. When we get to P-ton, we'll send an expeditionary force out to recon the Clemson Tri course. Feel free to step up and volunteer. I'll state my mission right now, for at least 3 of us (me, myself and I) will continue the tried & true SVR course for a total mileage of ~43, give or take

Two weeks ago, we had a near record number of riders... so, we're looking for an even bigger crowd this Saturday... so join us for the most fun you can have on two wheels..

See at the start, in the middle and towards the end. Is there a better way to celebrate cinco de Mayo???

PS.. feel free to comment on the ride on the BLOG... the BLOG is for YOU!!!