Saturday, February 28, 2009

Oops!!! and No One Called It

what a faux pas.... I totally missed the date on the last post!!! LOL... it should have read LAST RIDE for Feb 09... and NOT First Ride for March, which is next weekend's ride!!!! either is completely slipped by unnoticed, or you guys are so kind as to excuse my mistake... stay warm and dry... the announcer

Thursday, February 26, 2009

First Ride In March - Maybe


There are a few great phrases among sporting events. “In this corner, wearing blue and gold shorts”… “Runners, take your mark.. get set… GO”… “Gentlemen, start your engines”… and one of our own gets to shout out “PLAY BALL”.... Even our little SVR group has adopted “tally ho” … which means, “let’s get this ride started!!!”

With Spring right around the corner, we’ll be searching for events to satisfy our itch… all of us will be looking for something… swim meets, foot races, tri events, organized rides… and speaking of riding…

Last week was my return to the full ride… (well, almost the full ride)… it was a “good kind of hurt”… then, when Nascar Dave flatted… it allowed a little extra “downtime”… and one thing for sure.. we SVR riders are not a NASCAR pit crew… the tire changed took a little longer than what we see on TV on Sunday afternoon!!!! If we only had a neutral support vehicle to follow the group!!!

This Saturday, weather permitting, a group of riders will gather at the parking lot of New Spring church to get our “ride on”… we roll out at 0900 sharp… the route remains the same… 40+ miles.
And IF we get to ride... you need to ask this couple just WHAT are they celebrating??? Not to still their thunder, they'll have to tell you!!! It's just simply AWESOME!!!

So, join us for the first SVR for March!!! Come ready to ride.

The Announcer.
ps... don't forget the Greg Spindler Workshop at the YMCA in Anderson...

Thursday, February 19, 2009

RIde for 2-21-09


It’s official, I finally got “that” monkey off my back. On ST, they say it didn’t happen if you don’t have pictures… well, I have at least 4 eye witnesses should they need to testify. Here’s a thought… remember the hold TV show, Cheers?
Where everybody knows your name, and they're always glad you came. You wanna be where you can see, our troubles are all the same You wanna be where everybody knows Your name.

Props to David B. for calling my name, over and over and over again as that monkey came off my back… I’m sure he did that for others too! If you're reading this, I'll tell you the monkey I had to get off my back was the Myrtle Beach Marathon! It took me forever, but I finished. David B. was there riding support for his wife. I saw him early in the run, but didn't recognize him without his Race Kit on. When he passed me on mile 14, the sound of the freewheel was like a siren calling to me... I said something and he looked over and called my name... HA!!! So, every mile from mile 14 to mile 26, David would be at the marker calling my name... that gave me a wave of encouragement that I was able to ride mile after mile... So, props to David B for saving my marathon!!! NO KIDDING!!!

And props to Meredith B, Jeff D, Arden S, Mikey C and Juergen Z for a great run at the Myrtle Beach FULL marathon! Just a note, this was Arden's second marathon in 4 weeks!!!

Props to TT-Bob who placed 4th in his age group at the Tundra Time Trial in Atlanta. And he place very high overall, competing against some 350 other TT experts!!!

There’s a lot of talent among this group… and I’m glad you guys share what you’re doing… it gives me inspiration to get back out there and R I D E…

Speaking of riding, it’s that time again. A group of riders will meet in the parking lot of New Spring Church on Saturday in Anderson to ride. We leave at 0900 sharp. And after many weeks of cutting the ride short, I’m planning on a naughty ride… I’m going “all the way”!!!! It’s time to get back to a sense of normalcy… if that can happen!

Of note, my home computer had to be replaced a few weeks ago… Over the past 2 weeks, I found out that I was missing 2 addresses on this list… so, I’m making corrections as I’m notified… so, if some of your riding buddies aren’t getting the notice, and the want to.. let me know and I’ll add them to the group..

If this is your first ride notice… our route is about 44 miles… with an overall average speeds of about 16+mph…(some riders go MUCH faster… cuz they train all year). There are a few “sprint zones” just to keep things fun. We stop 3 times to regroup. Come ready to ride.

The announcer

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Heart Day Ride


Last weekend, we had a huge group and great weather…. We had plenty of riders who had taken some time off the bike. And their first ride was impressive… hmm, I wonder what they’ve done on the off season? Apparently some kind of secret clandestine training…. Perhaps a few spin classes? Or trainer workouts? Or maybe Mt Biking!!!

So, we’re holding our breath for a repeat!! But, the weather folks are showing some chance of showers early Saturday. If the weather cooperates, I’m predicting some folks will gather in the parking lot of New Spring Church to rollout as a group at 0900. The route will be about 43+/- miles. What a great way to start Valentine’s Day… getting your heart rate up to anaerobic threshold of 170+ bpm!!!! Then, go home to your loved one and have your heart rate hit greater than 200 bpm later on in the day!!!!

Just as information, my intention is to NOT ride this weekend. I must work on getting a “monkey off my back”… and my appointment to “get’r dun” is during the sacred hours of SVR…. Hopefully, when I return next Saturday, I’ll be “Mike the Monkey-less” and I’ll be ready for some serious miles and bike training….

Enjoy the ride… and someone PLEASE post a ride report!

PS.. no art work this week... let me know if you missed it

Monday, February 09, 2009

A Correction

HA! and you thought all we did was ride!!! NOT, sometimes we have very meaningful discussions... like the one this past week!!!! The guy in the pic didn't actually show up to ride... but, his legacy was there as the engineers in the group corrected my "mis-nomer" of when molecular motion stopped... it's absolute zero which is around -273 C.... and absolute zero is zero Kelvin.... so, to set the record straight.. here's something from Wikipedia.

The kelvin (symbol: K) is a unit increment of temperature and is one of the seven SI base units. The Kelvin scale is a thermodynamic (absolute) temperature scale where absolute zero, the theoretical absence of all thermal energy, is zero (0 K). The Kelvin scale and the kelvin are named after the Irish physicist and engineer William Thomson, 1st Baron Kelvin (1824–1907), who wrote of the need for an “absolute thermometric scale”.
1848: Lord Kelvin (William Thomson), wrote in his paper, On an Absolute Thermometric Scale, of the need for a scale whereby “infinite cold” (absolute zero) was the scale’s null point, and which used the degree Celsius for its unit increment. Thomson calculated that absolute zero was equivalent to −273 °C on the air thermometers of the time.[7] This absolute scale is known today as the Kelvin thermodynamic temperature scale. It’s noteworthy that Thomson’s value of “−273” was actually derived from 0.00366, which was the accepted expansion coefficient of gas per degree Celsius relative to the ice point. The inverse of −0.00366 expressed to five significant digits is −273.22 °C which is remarkably close to the true value of −273.15 °C.

So, thanks to those riders "in the know"... who set the record straight... and thanks to Mother Nature for sending us great riding weather!!!!

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Weekend Rides: a two-fer

Aren’t you glad we didn’t ride THIS morning? My thermometer indicated it was 10 degrees on the way to work… hmm, isn’t that the temperature where all molecular motion stops? … actually, I think that is -273 degrees Kelvin… but, as far as I’m concerned, anything below 27 degrees Madden is cold enough to hinder human motion. (NOTE: the above may not be factual... I did not have time to check a reference)

With this morning temp being that cold, Saturday morning will feel like a heat wave, eh? Once again, we’ll gather in the New Spring parking lot to roll out at 0900. There will be a group riding 43+ miles and at least one rider riding 26.73 miles…. In 2 or 3 weeks, I’ll be able to join the “regulars” and log the BIG miles… but, for now… 26.73 will have to satisfy my riding itch…

Last week, we had nice group show up… nice way to end January… and this Saturday will be a great way to start February. And believe it or not, there were a group of runners who had just finished a 12 to 15 mile run!!!! In the cold!!!! One of the runners rode with us last June… when we asked her where her bike was.. she said she only rides when she can’t run…. But, the other runner said her husband was looking for a bike… so, it looks like we’ll get another rider in a few months.

Sunday Ride... as detailed below from CR1 Shuey

We had a very good turnout (12) for last Sunday's ride, and the weather will be much better this Sunday. Should be in the mid to upper 60's. Excellent riding conditions!

Meet at NewSpring for a 2:00pm departure. Mark Lacy has agreed to be the ride leader in my absence. Distance and route can be determined by the majority.

Pass along this ride announcement to any other cyclists you think would be interested in joining. I've heard there are some new riders showing up for the SVRs. (Also I don't have an email for Bob Lupino or Jennifer Couch.)

Whaley, if you ride Sunday I look forward to another scintillating ride report!

Scott CR1 Shuey
ps... I still have a few of those "things" I gave out last Saturday... come and get one..