October 2nd Ride
WOW, what a difference a few days make in the weather… and for this weekend, it appears we’ll have perfect riding conditions. Now, if we can get all the riders to show up, we’ll have a great time on the road.
Speaking of riders, there’s crazy talk going on within the IM Augusta 70.3 crowd…(yep, those in the pic) something like they can’t get enough of tri-ing… and since all their times were SUPER fast, the crowd wants to head down to Myrtle Beach for the Half-Max National Championship… and since some of these crazy folks did something similar in the Spring…. (remember New Orleans 70.3 followed by While Like Half a few days later)… there’s no telling what’s really going down this Saturday!!! All I know is… 6 days between two halves equal crazy… of the certifiable type… men in white jackets type… flying over the cuckoo nest type… I’m just saying…
But, for us who’ll be local this weekend, come join us for the best ride in the South… the SVR… Saturday Vance Velo Ride… and this weekend is really something special… Buddy from The Great Escape is hosting the ride…he’s only asking for donations to assist in his part of the P3 project to raise money for cancer. He’s has route sheets and POST RIDE FOOD… the rumor I heard was grilled food!!! So that’s some serious recovery nutrition, eh???
The ride starts at 0800 from the parking lot of New Spring Church…. Ride options are 25 miles and 47 miles… flyers about this ride have been published throughout our region… so, we’re expecting a large number of riders… which should include YOU!!!
Now, here’s the latest kudos for folks in our group….
TT-Bob took first place in his age group for this year’s series at the Lowe’s TT… and posted a track record too!!!
Mr. Taylor (aka Little Hercules) had a podium finish for 12 continuous hours of Mt. Bike racing… pedaling something like 120+ miles, non-stop….
And props to Beastie Bob who is planning to make an appearance, coming in all the way from flat land of central NC!!
And props to the Lott boys who brought home some hardware from the Pickens Tri... looks like they've learned something from old dad!!!
And for the Augusta crowd who had many PRs… and great split times!!!! A big congrats to husband/wife team of Gina & Scott, Angie & Jeremy (notice how ladies go first in the order to things???), Vance, Thomas, James, Arden, Racing-Jason, Debra, Timmy, Redbook Kevin, Recon Reggie, Ryno, and others… and props to those who cheered from the sidelines… including the spouses, friends and coaches of the athletes…
Props to Mark Rainwater who provided professional photo services which documented the crazy crowd in Augusta 70.3…. cuz, you know what they say on SlowTwitch… provide photos-or it didn’t happen!!!!
There you go… so, after all that… one last question… Are You Ready 2 Ride???
Tally ho