Last Ride in September 09
Ladies and gentleman, it is my honor to introduce to you the next soon-to-be SVR member... this is Pedro.... the son of proud parents Renato and Eva!!! ~5 weeks old and already training to ride.... or at least wear a helmet!!!! Congrats to our international Brazilian couple on the arrival of their bundle of joy… and you thought we only cared about cycling! It just doesn't get any better than this!!!
Thanks to all who rode last weekend.. it was nice to get in a few miles, even if Clemson had a home game!!! We did miss Peta Vick, who chose the game over riding! But, we did appreciate the “horn blowing” as we passed through P-ton at the same time as Peta Vick drove by… We were able to get in our miles before any liquid sunshine fell… and some riders squeaked out a full IM ride followed by a run!!! and I count 20 minutes after 112 miles a run!!!
Right now, the weather is “iffy” for the SVR (Saturday Velo Ride)… but, if Lord willing the creek don’t rise, someone will be riding… So, join those on two wheels at 0800 in the parking lot of New Spring church….. the ride departs at 8’ish…. For a nice ride of 44 +/- miles on the back country roads of Anderson County...
Note, some of the regulars will not be there… they are traveling out of state to participate in a long training day event… some will call it a race.. I prefer to call it an event… Crossing the border will be Nascar Dave, Ryno, Rocketman Russ, The Promoter, Peta Vick, Mr. NameSake (aka Black-Jack Rowland), Mrs. Fancy-Pants, DiveBomb (aka Jack-Rabbit) Dillard, Mrs. Griz, Mr. Edge, Mr. TourdeFance Fan, and The Announcer... and maybe a few more that my old memory has forgotten... give a shout if you're in Augusta this weekend... we'll have a little SVR reunion...
and eat a few carbs before AND after 70.3 miles of fun...
Props to IronMike on a top ten finish at American Warrior Tri last Saturday…(yes, there were MORE than 10 athletes competing...) just ask him what's his new name… helmet-less Whaley… or head-less Whaley… that’s what happens when you forget YOUR HELMET and have to beg/borrow a girly helmet that’s two sizes too small for cover all the brain in your cranium!!! If we only had pics… and speaking of pics…
congrats to our international Brazilian couple on the arrival of their bundle of joy… and you thought we only cared about cycling!
And here's a very special SHOUT OUT to the Shuey family... please know all the SVR family is lifting your family up in our prayers!!! Scott, you've given more to us than you'll ever know... all of us are better people by knowing you and your family... what a great ministry you have.
Your friend,